The Best 100+ Commands for Google Assistant and Google Home

Many homes now use Google Assistant and Google Home exclusively because of their many features that make daily tasks more pleasant and easy. Here are more than 100 of the greatest commands you can use with Google Assistant and Google Home, ranging from managing smart devices to getting information and entertainment.

General Directives
“Hey Google, what’s the weather today?”
“Hey Google, set an alarm for 7 AM tomorrow.”
“Hey Google, remind me to buy groceries at 5 PM.”
“Hey Google, what’s on my calendar for today?”
“Hey Google, what’s the news?”
“Hey Google, tell me a joke.”
“Hey Google, play some music.”
“Hey Google, what’s the time?”
“Hey Google, open the calculator.”
“Hey Google, flip a coin.”
“Hey Google, roll a die.”
“Hey Google, set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Hey Google, what’s the traffic like to work?”
“Hey Google, translate ‘hello’ to Spanish.”
“Find my phone, Google.”
Control for Smart Homes
“Hey Google, turn on the lights.”
“Hey Google, dim the living room lights to 50%.”
“Hey Google, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Hey Google, lock the front door.”
“Hey Google, show me the security camera.”
“Hey Google, start the coffee maker.”
“Hey Google, play Netflix on the TV.”
“Hey Google, turn on the sprinklers.”
“Hey Google, close the garage door.”
“Hey Google, set a scene for movie night.”
“Hey Google, play some jazz music.”
“Hey Google, play the latest news from NPR.”
“Hey Google, play a game.”
“Hey Google, tell me about Avengers: Endgame.”
“Hey Google, who won the NBA game last night?”
“Hey Google, what’s playing at the nearest theater?”
“Hey Google, play a workout playlist.”
“Hey Google, read a book from Audible.” “Hey Google, play a podcast.”
“Hey Google, sing me a song.”
“Hey Google, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Hey Google, create a new note.”
“Hey Google, send a message to John.”
“Hey Google, set a reminder to call mom at 3 PM.”
“Hey Google, what’s 20% of 150?”
“Hey Google, send an email to Jane.”
“Hey Google, make a reservation at a restaurant.”
“Hey Google, find a recipe for spaghetti carbonara.”
“Hey Google, set a meeting for tomorrow at 10 AM.”
“Hey Google, what’s the capital of France?”
“Hey Google, call mom.”
“Hey Google, send a text message to Sarah.”
“Hey Google, broadcast ‘Dinner is ready!'”
“Hey Google, read my messages.”
“Hey Google, call the nearest pharmacy.”
“Hey Google, tell me about my day.”
“Hey Google, read my emails.”
“Hey Google, make a video call to Alex.”
“Hey Google, play voicemail messages.”
“Hey Google, find a plumber near me.”
Well-being and Health
“Hey Google, how many calories in an apple?”
“Hey Google, track my water intake.”
“Hey Google, start a meditation session.”
“Hey Google, tell me a healthy recipe.”
“Hey Google, what’s my step count today?”
“Hey Google, find a nearby gym.”
“Hey Google, set a bedtime reminder.”
“Hey Google, play relaxing sounds.”
“Hey Google, what’s the best workout for abs?”
“Hey Google, schedule a doctor’s appointment.”
Journey and Guidance
“Hey Google, what’s the best route to work?”
“Hey Google, find hotels near Times Square.”
“Hey Google, show me flight prices to Paris.”
“Hey Google, track my package.”
“Hey Google, find nearby attractions.”
“Hey Google, how’s the weather in London next week?”
“Hey Google, book a rental car.”
“Hey Google, what’s the exchange rate for Euros to Dollars?”
“Hey Google, show me restaurants in Tokyo.”
“Hey Google, locate a service station on this route.””
Laughing and Playing
“Hey Google, tell me a riddle.”
“Hey Google, play 20 questions.”
“Hey Google, let’s play a trivia game.”
“Hey Google, play Mad Libs.”
“Hey Google, tell me a bedtime story.”
“Hey Google, play animal sounds.”
“Hey Google, what’s the word of the day?”
“Hey Google, open a magic 8-ball.”
“Hey Google, play a sound quiz.”
“Hey Google, let’s play rock, paper, scissors.”
Instruction and Acquiring Knowledge
“Hey Google, tell me a fun fact.”
“Hey Google, how do you say ‘thank you’ in French?”
“Hey Google, teach me a new word.”
“Hey Google, what’s the history of the Eiffel Tower?”
“Hey Google, tell me about black holes.”
“Hey Google, how does photosynthesis work?”
“Hey Google, what’s the longest river in the world?”
“Hey Google, show me space exploration videos.”
“Hey Google, what’s the speed of light?”
“Play this science experiment video, Google.Accessibility “Hey Google, activate accessibility settings.” “Hey Google, read this article aloud.”
“Hey Google, magnify the screen.”
“Hey Google, set a reminder for medication.”
“Hey Google, tell me about accessibility features.”
Personalization and Configuration
“Hey Google, change the language to Spanish.”
“Hey Google, customize my routines.”
“Hey Google, change the wake word.”
“Hey Google, set my default music provider.”
“Hey Google, adjust the volume.”
“Hey Google, change the voice assistant’s voice.”
“Hey Google, show me my activity history.”
“Hey Google, personalize my news sources.”
“Hey Google, customize my home settings.”
“Hey Google, manage my subscriptions.”
“Hey Google, tell me a myth.”
“Hey Google, what’s the meaning of life?”
“Hey Google, find me a good book to read.”
“Hey Google, flip a virtual coin.”
“Hey Google, where’s the nearest library?”
“Hi Google,

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